1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Neonatology
ksva 21.06.2008



Endocrinologic department has a multiyear tradition in Dept. Of Gynecology and Obstetrics of 1st Medical Faculty and General Faculty Hospital and is widely used as a consultant compartment for general gynecologists and medical specialists of other subject fields not only in General Faculty Hospital.

Endocrinologic department deals with the whole spectrum of endocrine disorders from adolescence till postmenopausal period. The most frequent problems are menstrual cycle disorders, conditions connected with over  or underproduction of hormones ? polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, premature ovarian failure etc., skin androgenic disorders, symptoms connected with perimenopausal period.


Center for diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis is also a part of endocrinologic department and provides the farmacologic and due to personal connection with Endoscopic dept. surgical treatment of endometriosis as well and further follow-up of patients with this condition.


Endocrinologic department also provides family planning consultations, especially concerning hormonal contraception.


From experts of endocrinologic department arises a lot of publications in Czech and foreign medical bibliography, they are often an active participants of  foreign congresses.


for further information mfanta(zavináč)vfn.cz

number of views: 1670 author: ksva, last modification: ksva, 21.06.2008
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