Basic information 2025
Basic information 2025
Teaching at the gynaecology clinic takes place in a 7-week block starting with lectures and then continuing with simulator teaching, practical seminars and clinical placements. Lectures and internships take place at the KGPN Apolinářská 18 or at the Bulovka Hospital. We always start the block with complete information on how the internships are conducted and where to find information. We use the Teams environment to share the schedule. If you have any doubts about navigating Teams, you can contact: or use our coordination group on FB. Similarly, you can find out from the schedule and SIS when the state exams are, with registration opening usually in the first days of the block.
How to receive credit from Ob/Gyn rotation - 3 options
Dear students, (6th year)
As you already know Ob/Gyn Syllabus last 7 weeks – (3 weeks of practical seminars and theoretical lectures, 2 weeks of clinical attendance, 1 study week, and 1 exam week)
Therefore, there are 3 ways how to fulfill the criteria for Ob/Gyn subject.
One of the following 3 options you choose in SIS as a subgroup of the subject (in case you will require a switch group, you just need to send it to us by email)
You will always need to pass the final State exam at First Faculty.
1) Full attendance of 5+2weeks at the First Faculty - see further details here
2) You will attend 2 weeks of clinical elective (any Ob/Gyn department -worldwide), and bring stamped certificate. Then you will be required to attend 3 weeks of practical seminars and theoretical lectures. After that you receive credit. (no need for pre-approval)
3) You will attend a full Ob/Gyn program at a recognized university abroad. This requires receiving our pre-approval. You will send us your request, with the name of the university and its Ob/Gyn syllabus. After our review, you will (or not) receive our approval and you will be required to submit a certificate from the visiting university. After that you receive credit and you might register for any available State exam dates after that.
We encourage you to do a voluntary summer elective where you should see (normal delivery, Ob/Gyn ultrasound examination, hysterectomy, cesarean section, gynecological examination, and routine ward care)
We recognize this voluntary elective (worldwide, only certificate needed) and you will be able to skip 2 weeks of clinical attendance)
A/Prof. Kamil Švabík, M.D. Ph.D. – vice-chair for education Ob/Gyn
Attandance form for 2weeks elective for download
Credits before State Exam - full rotation
Credit rules
Students in the end of the 5th week of Ob/Gyn rotation will discuss clinical case at the departement. (according the table) and will get a signed certificate (for download here). There will be no mark, this signed document, please bring to Mrs. Urbanova. (Office Apolinar, First floor, Chairman office)
Clinical case: teacher will provide you with clinical situation f.e. - bleeding menopausal women - and you will think about causes, what examination will help you to get to the diagnosis and suggested treatment. This should be a training for understanding "Clinical questions"