1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Neonatology

State exam questions


Questions for the final state examination in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

There is a combination of theoretical questions and clinical questions.

(For clinical questions recommended sources are Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Emergencies in Obstetrics and Gynecology.  For Czech students was provided summary which is available in Czech for download)


State Exam Questions in Gynecology and Obstetrics - Valid from 2024/25

Clinical question means the management of the outlined patient (diagnostic and therapeutic procedure) with the described clinical manifestations

a) Principles of antenatal care in the Czech Republic – recommended procedures
b) Clinical question – Bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Malignant tumors of the fallopian tube and ovary – classification, management, treatment
d) Clinical question – Vaginal bleeding in a ten-year-old girl (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) High-risk pregnancy – definition, types of risks
b) Clinical question – Hypertension at 24 weeks of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Uterine myomatosis – types, complications
d) Clinical question – Vaginal bleeding in a woman in her 60s (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation during pregnancy and labor
b) Clinical question – Vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis by trimester, treatment procedures)
c) Menstrual bleeding disorders – classification, diagnosis, treatment
d) Clinical question – Urinary incontinence in a woman in her 40s (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Internal diseases during pregnancy (with a focus on cardiovascular, endocrine, liver, and lung diseases) and commentary on organ system changes during pregnancy
b) Clinical question – Bleeding during the second stage of labor (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Examination of an infertile couple and evaluation of infertility causes
d) Clinical question – Cardiopulmonary decompensation and sudden cardiac arrest shortly after gynecological surgery (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Causes and prevention of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity
b) Clinical question – Elevated temperature in the postpartum period (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Sexually transmitted diseases (definition, examples, diagnosis, treatment)
d) Clinical question – Irregular uterine bleeding in a woman around 45 years old (differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Preeclampsia and eclampsia, HELLP syndrome
b) Clinical question – Bleeding in the third stage of labor (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Thromboembolic disease in gynecology – etiopathogenesis, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
d) Clinical question – Painful menstruation (differential diagnosis of causes, diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Anatomy of the pelvis and soft birth canal in the context of childbirth
b) Clinical question – Uterine hypertonus in a pregnant woman in the third trimester (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment of acute events in gynecology
d) Clinical question – Excessive menstrual bleeding (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Acute abdominal conditions during pregnancy
b) Clinical question – Pruritus during pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Congenital uterine and vaginal anomalies – causes, diagnosis, treatment, disorders of sexual differentiation
d) Clinical question – Post-coital bleeding (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) External and internal obstetric examination at the end of pregnancy and during labor: fetal position, presentation, engagement, and attitude
b) Clinical question – Breast pain and redness in the postpartum period (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Life stages of a woman from a gynecologist's perspective. Development of the reproductive organs throughout a woman's life
d) Clinical question – A woman with persistent pelvic pain and possibly irregular cycles (differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Determining the gestational age, system of obstetric care in the Czech Republic
b) Clinical question – Back pain in the third trimester of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment of acute abdominal events in gynecology
d) Clinical question – A patient with uterine fibroids during the fertile period – solution algorithm and deciding factors

a) Rh incompatibility and isoimmunization – definition, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
b) Clinical question – Headaches in the 30th week of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Menstrual cycle regulation, classification, disorders
d) Clinical question – Fecal incontinence after a vaginal delivery with extensive perineal injury (differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment)

a) Physiological changes in the mother's body during pregnancy and their significance
b) Clinical question – Lower abdominal pain in the second half of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Infertility treatment, assisted reproduction methods, complications of infertility treatment
d) Clinical question – Dyspareunia in a woman of reproductive age (differential diagnosis, risk factors)

a) Acute vs. chronic fetal hypoxia in pregnancy
b) Clinical question – Abnormal urine test results during routine monitoring in pregnancy (typical abnormal findings in diabetes, preeclampsia, infection, and proposed further care)
c) Endometriosis – classification, symptoms
d) Clinical question – Urgency and increased frequency of urination (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Pathology of early pregnancy from the perspective of fetal development – definition of terms
b) Clinical question – Decreased fetal movement in the third trimester (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Vulvovaginal infections
d) Clinical question – Dysuria and feeling of incomplete bladder emptying in a perimenopausal woman (differential diagnosis of symptoms, diagnosis)

a) Multiple pregnancy – types, complications
b) Clinical question – Swelling of the lower extremities in the second half of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Appendicitis and adnexitis – differential diagnosis
d) Clinical question – A 15-year-old girl with no menstrual period (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Breech presentation – definition, types, labor management
b) Clinical question – Rupture of membranes at 18 weeks of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Ectopic pregnancy – location, diagnosis, therapy
d) Clinical question – A 25-year-old woman with an irregular menstrual cycle (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Embolic events during pregnancy and labor
b) Clinical question – Rupture of membranes at the end of the third trimester (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Planned parenthood, contraception, sterilization
d) Clinical question – A woman in her 50s with missed menstrual periods (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Peripartum life-threatening hemorrhage
b) Clinical question – Rupture of membranes at 25 weeks of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Induced abortion – indications, procedures, legal regulations
d) Clinical question – Hypotension and oliguria in the early period after a hysterectomy (differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Placenta – morphology, function, pathology, examination
b) Clinical question – Sudden unconsciousness during labor (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Endoscopic methods in gynecology – definition, classification, indications
d) Clinical question – Lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Infectious diseases and pregnancy
b) Clinical question – Collapse of a woman in the second half of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions of gynecological tumors
d) Clinical question – Routine check-up of a woman after a hysterectomy (what, how, why to routinely check, possible complications, their manifestations)

a) Physiology and pathology of the postpartum period and lactation
b) Clinical question – Vaginal bleeding at 20 weeks of pregnancy (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Malignant tumors of the cervix
d) Clinical question – A woman with mild lower abdominal pain and a positive pregnancy test (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Irregular and pathological fetal positions – diagnosis, labor management
b) Clinical question – Convulsive state in the third trimester of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Malignant tumors of the uterine body
d) Clinical question – Vaginal discharge in a woman of reproductive age (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Vaginal delivery in the cephalic presentation – physiological course
b) Clinical question – Check-up of a woman after a cesarean section (what, how, why to routinely check, possible complications, their manifestations)
c) Risk factors of malignant gynecological tumors, hereditary syndromes
d) Clinical question – Feeling of pressure and discomfort in the lower abdomen during infertility treatment (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Disorders of the mechanism of childbirth in the first and second stages of labor
b) Clinical question – Shortness of breath in the second half of pregnancy (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Surgical treatment of malignant gynecological tumors – significance, examples of the extent and procedures according to tumor types
d) Clinical question – Palpable mass in the breast (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Shock state during pregnancy
b) Clinical question – Sudden excruciating abdominal pain during labor (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Benign breast diseases (classification, diagnosis, treatment)
d) Clinical question – Pelvic and lower back pain after gynecological surgery (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy – classification, complications, principles of care for a pregnant woman
b) Clinical question – Hypotension after delivery (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Precancerous lesions of the vulva, vagina, endometrium, and cervix
d) Clinical question – Bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Premature newborn and low birth weight newborn – classification, anatomical and physiological signs of immaturity
b) Clinical question – Bleeding in the postpartum period (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Urinary incontinence in women – definition, classification, diagnosis, treatment
d) Clinical question – Pruritus of the vulva and vagina (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) The most common causes leading to newborn adaptation disorders, neonatal resuscitation
b) Clinical question – Painful swelling of the lower extremities during pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Complications of laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
d) Clinical question – Preoperative examination and preparation before hysterectomy – types of examinations and procedures, and justification (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Birth injuries – causes, classification, treatment, prevention
b) Clinical question – Routine check-up in the postpartum period for a woman after spontaneous delivery
c) Reproductive surgery – definition and examples of surgical infertility treatment
d) Clinical question – Irregular and more frequent menstrual bleeding in a 30-year-old woman (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Screening and diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities in pregnancy (the most common types of chromosomal abnormalities and their screening)
b) Clinical question – Excessive weight gain and swelling during pregnancy (differential diagnosis, diagnosis)
c) Primary and secondary prevention, screening of gynecological tumors
d) Clinical question – Irregular bleeding in perimenopause (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Regular ultrasound examinations during prenatal care
b) Clinical question – Discharge at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Breast cancer – classification, diagnosis, treatment
d) Clinical question – Feeling of pressure in the vagina in the first months after delivery (diagnosis, typical findings, treatment procedures)

a) Induction of labor – indications and description of methods
b) Clinical question – Dysuria and increased frequency of urination during pregnancy (differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy of gynecological malignancies – typical examples
d) Clinical question – Proposal of contraception method for a woman after completing her reproductive plans (selection of appropriate options and commentary on advantages and disadvantages)

a) Extractive obstetric operations – types, indications, complications
b) Clinical question – Urinary retention during pregnancy (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Fertility-preserving treatment in oncogynecology – definition, typical examples
d) Clinical question – Fever and abdominal pain after gynecological surgery (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Cesarean section – brief description, classification of types, indications, and examples
b) Clinical question – Lower abdominal pain and pain around the symphysis before delivery in a woman after a previous cesarean section (differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Malignant tumors of the vulva and vagina
d) Clinical question – Vaginal discharge in postmenopause (diagnosis, differential diagnosis, causes, treatment procedures)

a) Fetal hypoxia in pregnancy
b) Clinical question – Prolonged labor in the first stage of labor (diagnosis, causes, management)
c) Prebiopsy diagnostic methods of the lower genital tract
d) Clinical question – Post-hysterectomy care with fever and subsequent diarrhea (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) Monitoring fetal heart rate during labor (basic parameters, examples of pathology)
b) Clinical question – Routine admission of a woman at term with physiological pregnancy and onset of labor
c) Benign tumors and pseudotumors of the ovary
d) Clinical question – Vomiting and bowel obstruction after laparotomy for gynecological surgery (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)

a) The most common fetal malformations and their prevention. Teratogens
b) Clinical question – Apgar score (definition and examples of normal and abnormal scores)
c) Uterine and vaginal wall prolapse – terminology, classification, causes, types of treatment
b) Clinical question – Lower abdominal pain in a non-pregnant woman after sexual intercourse (basic differential diagnosis and key diagnostic parameters)

a) Invasive methods of prenatal diagnosis – indications, possibilities of in utero fetal treatment
b) Clinical question – Preterm labor after 24 weeks of pregnancy (patient management – diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment procedures)
c) Diagnostic methods in urogynecology (overview, typical indications)
d) Clinical question – Preoperative preparation to prevent complications during hysterectomy and typical examples of complications

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